IB Phoenix

All-in-one Genomic Data Management Solution

Phoenix gives you the power to integrate multiple dimensions of medical data into a coherent dataset.

By combining genomic data with clinical data, Phoenix becomes a single source of truth for your research needs.

You can search, view, extract, and even perform sophisticated genomic analysis and interpretation easily all within the platform.

Sources and types of data that Phoenix can integrate:

  • DNA sequencing data (FASTQ for WES and WGS)
  • RNA sequencing data (FASTQ)
  • Electronic Medical/Health Records (EMR/EHR)
  • PACS (Medical imaging data)
  • LIMS (Bio sample records and sample data)

Features Highlight:

  • Family groups and visual editor of pedigrees
  • Custom Case Report Forms (CRF) - for storing structured data
  • Universal and instant search
  • HPO standard phenotypes
  • ICD-11 standard disease classification
  • Unlimited follow-up records
  • Unlimited uploads of unstructured data, such as images and documents
  • Tabular data export

To find out what we can do for you, please get in touch.